These Surprising Benefits Will Make You Start Bodyweight Training Today

Last modified: September 13, 2018

These Surprising Benefits Will Make You Start Bodyweight Training Today



Vivotion These Surprising Benefits Will Make You Start Bodyweight Training Today Some people don’t realize the benefits of bodyweight training. Did you know that bodyweight training is free, versatile with many different variations? 3465
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These Surprising Benefits Will Make You Start Bodyweight Training Today unnamed Some people don’t realize the benefits of bodyweight training. Did you know that bodyweight training is free, versatile with many different variations?

These Surprising Benefits Will Make You Start Bodyweight Training Today

Are you looking for an effective workout that will not cost you a thing? An effective workout that you can just do about anywhere? A great choice for you is to try a simple bodyweight training. With this training, expect to gain strength, flexibility, and overall health.

See? Getting fit doesn’t have to be that complicated.

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These Surprising Benefits Will Make You Start Bodyweight Training Today

Why Is Body Weight Training Important?

The majority of body weight training has been categorized as a closed chain. It’s the scientific way of saying that you’re moving your body through space instead of an outside object.

According to a study by the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy, closed chain exercises were responsible for a 31% increase in lower body strength after only six weeks. While the open chain group only improved by 13%.

The closed chain, body weight, group also saw a marked increase in power output, increasing vertical jump capabilities by 10%. While there was no increase in the open chain, machine-based, group. By learning to move your own body through space, you increase the number of muscle fibres used.

This directly causes more strength and muscular gains. And if you’re at the level where you can do pushups and pullups all day without it being challenged, just add some extra “body weight” in the form of a weight vest or chains. Via Huffington Post.

These Surprising Benefits Will Make You Start Bodyweight Training Today

Bodyweight Training Benefits

Some people don’t realize the benefits of bodyweight training. Did you know that bodyweight training is free, versatile with many different variations? It can be done anywhere. Through bodyweight,  it will help you improve your movement and relative and reactive strength.

Here are the other surprising benefits of Bodyweight training via Greatist.

One of the reasons why bodyweight training is the best because it’s 1. A super-efficient workout. Your workout transition from one move to the next with a little rest will be easier since there’s no equipment involved. Research suggests high-output, bodyweight-based exercises like plyometrics yield awesome fitness gains in short durations.

2. Cardio and strength training combined. To keep your heart pumping while still encouraging muscle and strength development, perform quick cardio sessions. You can do 60 seconds of burpees or high-knees between strength movements such as a set of push-ups or lunges.

3. You can burn fat fast. Just a few minutes of a bodyweight circuit training can have a major impact on the body’s metabolism.

Why Bodyweight Training Is the Best

4. You’ll gain core strength. This kind of training won’t just give you tighter abs, you’ll also gain better posture, relieve lower back stress, and improve overall performance.

5. There’s never an excuse to not work out. Like what I’ve said, bodyweight training can be done anywhere. Exercising without equipment can also be used as a stress reliever, whether you’re working at home or on the road.

6. You’ll never get bored. Lets face it, working is can sometimes be boring, but not with bodyweight training. Working with a variety of exercises not only relieves boredom, it can also help break plateaus and spark further progress.

7. It can help with injury prevention.

An injury is one of the main reasons people stop working out, so preventing those aches and pains should be a big priority. Bodyweight exercises are generally safe for any exerciser regardless of experience, age, or fitness level. Many simple bodyweight movements can actually be an effective option for rehabilitation, even for those with significant impairments.

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