Make Your Leg Day More Interesting with These Leg Exercises at Home

Last modified: October 9, 2018

Make Your Leg Day More Interesting with These Leg Exercises at Home

Make Your Leg Day More Interesting with These Leg Exercises at Home


Make Your Leg Day More Interesting with These Leg Exercises at Home
Vivotion Make Your Leg Day More Interesting with These Leg Exercises at Home One of the reasons why we do leg exercises is because we want them to get toned and stronger. Try these leg exercises to make your leg day more interesting! 4866
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Make Your Leg Day More Interesting with These Leg Exercises at Home Make Your Leg Day More Interesting with These Leg Exercises at Home One of the reasons why we do leg exercises is because we want them to get toned and stronger. Try these leg exercises to make your leg day more interesting!
Make Your Leg Day More Interesting with These Leg Exercises at Home

Make Your Leg Day More Interesting with These Leg Exercises at Home

One of the reasons why we do leg exercises is because we want them to get toned and stronger. What makes us keep moving all day is obviously the strength in our lower halves.

This is surely why having strong legs are fundamental. Howbeit, many people tend to think they don’t have to leg day considering walking all day as a form of leg exercise.

Yes, walking can also be beneficial. But in consideration of adding some leg exercise in your regular routine will give lower body muscles challenges.

In this article, we have prepared a little bit challenging leg exercises that will force your muscles to work in unison to stabilize your body. Not just that, these leg exercises will make your leg more interesting!

Be that as it may, for some of us, all it takes in getting the motivation for a tough workout is a pair of shoes, some good music and a sufficient exercise area. Having said that, many require workout accessories to help us.

That’s why choosing the best workout accessories would be a big help.

Make Your Leg Day More Interesting with These Leg Exercises at Home

5 Leg Exercises to Make Your Leg Day More Interesting

We picked 5 Leg exercises (provided by Women’s Health) that are easy yet interesting to do. You won’t be needing a lot of equipment for these exercises.

In fact, most of the exercises won’t be needing one. Shall we begin?

1. Lateral Lunge

Lateral Lunge is a bodyweight exercise that defines and develops quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. How to do it: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, hands clasped in front of your chest.

Take a big step to the side with your right leg, then push your hips back, bend your right knee, and lower your body until your right knee is bent 90 degrees. This should take about two seconds. Push back to start and that’s one rep.

3 reps of 12 on each side.

Make Your Leg Day More Interesting with These Leg Exercises at Home

2. Box Jump

This plyometric exercise will strengthen and tone your lower body, increase vertical jump height and develop your power output. To perform this exercise, it demands coordination, accuracy, agility and balance.

How to do it: Stand six to eight inches back from a six-inch step (beginners can start with a lower step; work up to 14 inches). Get into an athletic stance with your knees slightly bent and your weight on the balls of your feet.

Quickly jump onto the centre of the step, then immediately jump back down to start, landing softly on the balls of your feet. That’s one rep.

3 sets of 10 reps. Note: Make sure the platform is strong or sturdy enough to withstand the high-impact jumps.

Make Your Leg Day More Interesting with These Leg Exercises at Home

3. Bulgarian Split Squat

“Split squats target the quads, glutes, and hamstrings,” says Samuel via Women’s Health. “And performing the exercise with dumbbells ensures muscular balance on both sides of the body.”

How to do it: Hold a dumbbell in each hand, stand about two feet in front of a step; extend your right leg back and place your foot on the step. Bend your knees to lower your body as far as you can (or until your knee hovers right above the ground), keeping your shoulders back and chest up.

Pause, then press through your left heel to return to start. That’s one rep. 3 sets of 12 reps.

Make Your Leg Day More Interesting with These Leg Exercises at Home
Photo: Women’s Health

4. Ice Skater

Sounds new to you? This method of leg exercise will challenge your balance and engaging your core. This is great for your lower back, hips, butt, and outer thighs.

How to do it: Begin in a standing position, with your hips shoulder-width apart. Cross your left leg behind your right leg as you bend your right knee 90 degrees.

Extend your right arm out to your side and swing your left arm across your right leg. Jump a few feet to the other side, switching the position of your legs and arms. That’s one rep. 3 sets of 15 reps on each side.

Make Your Leg Day More Interesting with These Leg Exercises at Home
Photo: Women’s Health

5. Calf Raise

Naturally, this method of leg exercise will strengthen your calf muscles. How to do it: Stand on one foot, with your other leg bent to a 90-degree angle.

Stand with a long, tall spine and abs drawn inward. Rise up onto the balls of your feet with knees straight but not locked.

Pause at the top, and squeeze your calf muscles. Lower down just until your feet are in line with the bench—do not drop them below the level of the bench.

That’s one rep. 3 sets of 15 reps on each side.

Make Your Leg Day More Interesting with These Leg Exercises at Home
Photo: Women’s Health

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