Five Best Trampoline Exercise That Can Fight Fatigue

Last modified: May 10, 2019

Five Best Trampoline Exercise That Can Fight Fatigue

Five Best Trampoline Exercise That Can Fight Fatigue


Five Best Trampoline Exercise That Can Fight Fatigue
Vivotion Five Best Trampoline Exercise That Can Fight Fatigue This is the best way to have fun whilst you're exercising as trampolining is considered as one of the most fun and effective exercises you can do. 7779
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Five Best Trampoline Exercise That Can Fight Fatigue Five Best Trampoline Exercise That Can Fight Fatigue This is the best way to have fun whilst you're exercising as trampolining is considered as one of the most fun and effective exercises you can do.
Five Best Trampoline Exercise That Can Fight Fatigue

Five Best Trampoline Exercise That Can Fight Fatigue

Just looking at the title above, you may ponder the question of what kind of exercises you can in a trampoline. Is it even possible? Yes, it is, and it’s time to try something new this spring and coming summer.

If you haven’t heard about this exercise, well, thank us later! Get ready to bounce your way to better health and lifestyle with this fitness trend—trampoline exercise.

If you think this kind of exercise is only applicable for kids, well, you’re missing out the trend. This is the best way to have fun whilst you’re exercising as trampolining is considered as one of the most fun and effective exercises you can do.

Trampoline Exercise

Five Best Trampoline Exercise That Can Fight Fatigue

Trampoline activity is one of the low-impact exercises you can do. Not only this exercise helps toning your muscles, but it also improves your coordination.

Did you know that you will experience a short-lived weightless state when you jump on the trampoline? However, your body will encounter as much as 4Gs of gravitational force, according to Domi Jump. In addition, trampoline exercise is reckoned to be one of the ideal forms of exercise for adults.

According to a NASA research report in 2006 entitled ‘Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine’, it is proven that trampoline is almost 70 per cent more effective exercise than jogging with the same amount of time.

These five best trampoline exercises will not only help you torch calories, but also build your heart and lung fitness, and enhance your balance. But before heading straight to these exercises, let us now first the amazing benefits of this exercise.

Health Benefits of Trampoline Jumping and Exercises

Trampoline exercise guarantees a mix of health and fitness benefits that no other exercise can do. Below, we have listed the excellent health benefits you can attain with this exercise.

Cardiovascular Fitness

NASA approved through their study that bouncing on a trampoline for 10 minutes is an excellent cardiovascular workout than running for 33 minutes. Performing this exercise also helps to get rid of the toxins and waste to your body.

Coordination & Agility

If you wish to increase the awareness of your body, balance and coordination—trampoline exercise can promise you that. By bouncing on a trampoline, you’ll get to learn to control the coordination of your arms and legs. Also, you’ll learn the process of adjusting the position of your body accordingly.

Low-Impact Exercise

Trampoline exercise is ideal and beneficial for individuals with less mobility. Thanks to the mat or pad that absorbs 80 per cent of the shock from the rebound, this exercise is a low-impact one.

It may provide an intense workout for the bones and muscles, but this exercise is still considered to be a low-impact. Well, thanks to the mat or pad that helps absorb 80 per cent of the shock from the rebound.

Trampolining also guarantees your body with an all-around workout, reducing the risk of injury to your joints, ankles and knees.

Improves Health

One of the beneficial options you can do to increase your body’s metabolic rate and eventually burn more calories efficiently is to bounce on a trampoline. Did you know that due to the increased G-force, your cells become stronger when you exercise on a trampoline?

In this way, this trampolining helps to boost the activity of your immune cells by keeping your body’s natural defences high. This will reduce the risk of getting ill and sick.

Stress Relief

One of the amazing benefits of trampoline exercise is it combats not only stress but also anxiety and depression. This is due to the number increased of endorphins being released by your brain.

By doing this exercise, it helps to increase the circulation of oxygen around your body. With that, it makes you more alert, and it improves your overall mental performance as well.

Do this regularly, and this exercise will guarantee you better sleeping patterns and more energy. Now, what are you waiting for? Let’s start doing these five beneficial trampoline exercises!

Five Best Trampoline Exercises

Five Best Trampoline Exercise That Can Fight Fatigue

You can now boost your muscle tone, weight loss and your overall health just by starting with 10 minutes of trampoline exercise a day! Below, we have listed the five best trampoline exercises that you can add to your regular routine.

1. Health Bounce

Health bounce trampoline exercise targets your overall health, circulation and balance. You can watch the YouTube tutorials designed for both men and women courtesy of Cellerciser down below. In this way, you’ll be guided throughout the routine.

2. Sprint

Sprint trampoline exercise ideal for those individuals who want to lose weight, enhance their endurance and tendon support and aerobic. You can watch the YouTube tutorials designed for both men and women courtesy of Cellerciser down below. In this way, you’ll be guided throughout the routine.

3. Twist

Twist trampoline exercise targets your lower back, massages your internal organs, improves digestion and much more. You can watch the YouTube tutorials designed for both men and women courtesy of Cellerciser down below. In this way, you’ll be guided throughout the routine.

4. Back Kicks

So, what’s good about this type of trampoline exercise? Back kicks not only can strengthen your buttocks, but it also targets your shoulders, thighs, hips and knees.

Not only that, but this trampoline exercise also offers stretch for thighs, abdominals and solar plexus area. You can watch the YouTube tutorials designed for both men and women courtesy of Cellerciser down below. In this way, you’ll be guided throughout the routine.

5. Side to Side Kicks

Side to sidekicks trampoline exercise targets your waist, hips, and thighs. You can watch the YouTube tutorials designed for both men and women courtesy of Cellerciser down below. In this way, you’ll be guided throughout the routine.

There you have it! We hope these five trampoline exercise will add extra fun to your regular workout regime. Good luck on your fitness journey with Vivotion!

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