The Amazing Health Benefits of Meditation with Techniques and Assessments

Last modified: July 11, 2019

The Amazing Health Benefits of Meditation with Techniques and Assessments



Vivotion The Amazing Health Benefits of Meditation with Techniques and Assessments Whether you're an athlete or not, mindfulness meditation is something that can help you to improve your overall performance. Find out more here. 8062
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The Amazing Health Benefits of Meditation with Techniques and Assessments beginners-guide-to-meditation Whether you're an athlete or not, mindfulness meditation is something that can help you to improve your overall performance. Find out more here.

The Amazing Health Benefits of Meditation with Techniques and Assessments

Is there too much stress in your life? What are the things that stress you out?

Everyone experiences their own unique form of stress in their own day to day life. We’re sure you experience it too. Stress can come in many different forms, and how you manage it is unique to you.

So it’s safe to say that you know when you’re stressed out. When you’re emotionally tired, when you’re physically weary, and when you are mentally in a state of fight or flight. But just because it’s easy to know when you’re stressed, doesn’t mean it’s easy to get out of it. Some people never do. Try as we might it is impossible for a person to become completely immune to mental or emotional strain AKA stress.

However, this mental state can be minimised through a number of techniques — and one of them is meditation. This activity does not only guarantee us a healthier mind but also a more joyful life.

So, if you wish to relieve your stress and increase awareness in your surroundings, meditation is the key to a calmer way of living! It is powerful, beneficial, and free — anyone can do it anywhere! 

If you are new to this approach, wellness experts here at Vivotion have listed down everything you need to know about meditation — including the amazing health benefits it has on your life.

What Is Meditation?


Also known as dhyana, meditation is an ultimate form of concentration which helps your mind highlight one thing and disengages you from all the earthly things. This ancient practice is one of the eight limbs of yoga.

According to many yoga practitioners, the only way to dive deep into your heart is through Dhyana, where all of your divine power lives. Though meditation is not the solution to all your life’s problems, this activity guarantees clarity of thought which may impact your mind, body and soul.

This ancient practice can help you to control and calm your mind and thoughts one at a time. It also eliminates the negativity in your head, worries, anxiety and everything that stops you from being happy.

Amazing Health Benefits of Meditating

1. It Reduces Stress


Let’s admit it, stress always gets in the way of our happiness and it affects our overall mood and performance. And while most people find it inevitable to get stressed, you can still combat it by meditating.

Aside from healthy eating and proper exercise, we all need to manage our stress. Meditation is one of the natural ways to battle it, mixed in with a bit of exercise allows us to keep our mental and physical well-being in top condition.

2. Promotes Better Sleeping Patterns


Lack of sleep is one of the things that can affect not only our mood but also our overall health.

According to studies, balancing out the activities in our brains, which happens when meditating, can bring our minds into a calmer state. It is a great way to help make yourself feel better, preparing you for the entire day after waking up in the morning. 

So, it’s time to improve the quality and length of your sleep through meditation, especially if sleep has been a struggling point for you for a long time.

3. Boosts Immune System


Stress has been shown to lower the strength of your immune system, so it follows that by meditating and reducing stress you are also strengthening your immune system.

So aside from achieving a better sleeping pattern, meditation also helps boost your immune system and ensures that your overall health is well-maintained.

4. Develops Self and Body Awarenessa-beginners-guide-to-meditation-4-develops-self-and-body-awareness

Fitness enthusiasts are among many who overlook meditation when they are one of the people who need it the most. Though it does not directly affect muscle development, cluttered thoughts make us feel moody, sluggish, and unmotivated.

When our thoughts are tangled, we often fail to focus on more critical matters in our lives — we call these blind spots. Meditation makes us acknowledge these blind spots so we could do better not only in our workout performances but also during social and workplace situations.

Being focused inspires us and builds our self-confidence when it comes to many aspects of our lives.

5. Promotes Happiness and Satisfaction


Meditating can give you the joy and satisfaction you’ve been craving for. An ancient practice like this leads you to become a happy individual as it allows you to control your mind and thoughts.

With clarity of thought, you can focus less on the problem, and more on solving it.

How To Meditate?


So how exactly you can meditate? All you have to do is to find an ideal place where you’ll feel comfortable enough to soothe your mind, body, and soul.

Then take a seat, focus on your breathing and concentrate only to one thought or an object. Make sure not to repress your thoughts, just let your mind wander and let those thoughts pass. After this, expect that your mind will be at peace as meditation allows you to hyperfocus on the present once you enter into the phase of deep concentration.

Here’s what you should read next: How Meditation Can Give Athletes Extra Edge In Sports

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